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Text Channel


Channel description. https://google.com/

    Welcome to #current-channel!

    This is the start of the #current-channel private channel. Channel description. https://google.com/
  1. locked-text
  2. Edited message
  3. inline codeblock
  4. multiline codeblock
  5. export const isTrue = (val) => {
    if (val === true) return true;
    else return false;
  6. started a thread: Example thread. See all threads.
    ThreadExample thread1 Message ›
  7. Italics https://google.com/
    Bold https://google.com/
    Italics and bold https://google.com/
    Underline text
    Strikethrough text
  8. /**
    * @name Fluent
    * @author Nate's World#1211
    * @version 1.0.5
    * @description Brings the look of Windows 11 to Discord.
    * @source https://github.com/DiscordStyles/Fluent... (374 KB left)
  9. discord.gg/minecraft
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    ThreadAnother tread1 Message ›
  10. New message